Spend 8 million of my Tax Money on the Needy

Government offers free portraits of King Charles to churches, universities and hospitals as part of £8m scheme Churches, universities and hospitals can apply for a free framed official portrait of King Charles to display, as the Government expands its £8 million scheme to cement public support for the monarch.

Lady Gaga and Me, but. really about TRUMP the spoilt brat

Saturday 3 February 2018 Lady Gaga and Me I had to get up in the night for an hour due to pain.  I’ve just read about Gaga  having to cancel shows due to her pain, so I can really relate to that. I hope she can still be Creative from her home studio even ifContinue reading “Lady Gaga and Me, but. really about TRUMP the spoilt brat”

Pentecost an old piece for today

Wednesday 8 May 2024 Pentecost, somebody was just reading this, in Italy maybe?  NOW AA, Amnesty International, not your old drunken friends in AA and no not the AA the motor breakdown people THEY say write respectful letter and they will invoke change BUT I cannot be doing that, I’m an email man and IContinue reading “Pentecost an old piece for today”

Fresh Fields, the 4 year story

91,500 words. so far, when the Election is over I’ll finish this, or when Trump is in Jail ON BLOGGER they put a barrier in front of it, it’s the exact same thing Trump used no barrier according to yesterday’s Trial report https://butcherbakerundertaker.blogspot.com/2024/05/4802nd-piece-fresh-fields-90000-words-4.html Fresh Fields(c) By Michael Casey Post Trump Words 3rd Nov 2020 By MichaelContinue reading “Fresh Fields, the 4 year story”